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Newsymail 2000
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2000 07:13:06 -0600
Babies cry 3+ hours a day no matter what. Colic is that fussiness in the
evenings for 2-3 hours. It is not from gas. I think it is cramps. If severe we
can call out Levsin to ease the cramps. They pass gas 24 hours a day and the
colic is just in the evenings. So it isn't gas and burping more will not help.
If they cry all day and all night, that is not colic....( thats hell on earth)
something is wrong and call the Doctor. We usually try a different formula but
that rarely helps. They are just crampy in the evenings for a few months.
Isn't parenting FUN???
Dr. Knapp
PS: Now that you realize how terribly difficult it is to raise children,
you need to write a letter (old fashion kind... not email) to your Mom &or
Dad and tell them how much you appreciate the effort they went through to
raise you. The self sacrifice, the worry, and the heart ache is un-measurable.
But it is worth it. Write them today.
Date: Tue, 11 Jan 2000 01:42:16 -0600
Nothing worse than vomiting &/or diarrhea. We don't treat diarrhea in
0-10yrs old because it causes worse problems. Just chase it with fluids like
Pedialyte or Gatoraid. We can treat the vomiting with prescription
suppositories. They almost never dehydrate unless they have both Vomiting and Diarrhea.
Bring them in if they have both V. and D., fever over 102, or blood in the
stool. There is a viral stomach flu every year during the next 2 months... so
watch out.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2000 23:34:30 -0600
Babies will occasionally cross their eyes for 6 months. Take a picture...
it is cute. If they are crosses more of the day than straight, see the Doc. If
a small light is shined at their eyes, it should reflect off the same area of
the pupil in both eyes:
If it is = ( o ) ( o ) then it is correct.
If it is = ( o) ( o ) then there is trouble.
If the "red eye" from taking a picture of your baby is not in
both eyes, see the Doc. If one pupil is grey or white(cancer).. see the Doc
now! If one colored cornea is larger than the other (glaucoma)... see the
Doc.. Of course the eye color is blue grey for months. If they are going to be
brown, it will turn brown by 6
months. Blue vs. Green one cannot tell until school age. And yes two brown
or green can have a blue eyed child. ;>)
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 06:55:40 -0600
Food allergies are in 2-7% of people. Symptoms are hives, runny nose,
sneezing, wheezing, vomiting, diarrhea, throat or lip swelling, and
occasionally anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is low blood pressure, fainting, and
even death; and is caused by reactions to peanuts, tree nuts, seafood, milk,
eggs. The most common is peanuts. (That is why some airlines stop giving them)
There are also allergies to fish and celery. Yes celery one would not think of
it but it cross reacts with pollens 40% of the time. Also beef allergies are
more common than thought. (Boo. Now I cant eat Steak!!!) Some think that the
allergy testing and desensitizing shots help but Im not sold on them. Watch
your diet and watch for symptoms. And you can develop these allergies at any
age after taking them for many years. I wish I was allergic to taking out the
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 2000 23:45:46 -0600
How to help your child with homework: Get to know your child's teacher.
Attend school events, such as parent-teacher conferences, to meet your child's
teacher. Ask about his or her homework policy and how you should be involved.
Set up a homework-friendly area. Make sure your child has a well-lit place to
complete homework. Place supplies - paper, pencils, glue, scissors - within
reach. Schedule a regular study time. Some children work best in the
afternoon, following a snack and play period; others may prefer to wait until
after dinner.
Keep the distractions to a minimum. This means no television, no loud
music, and no phone calls. (Occasionally, though, a phone call to a classmate
about an assignment could prove helpful.) Make sure your child does his own
work. Children will not learn if they don't think for themselves and make
their own mistakes. Parents can make suggestions and help children with
directions. Your child's job is to do the learning. Set a good homework
example. Does your child see you reading the newspaper, writing letters, or
reading a book? Children are more likely to follow their parents' examples
than their advice. Praise his work. Stick his math assignment or art project
on the refrigerator. Mention his achievements in science to relatives. You
help their self esteem by bragging to others in front of them. They also now
have to live up to the reputation you set. Have an understanding that if you
find out they did not do an assignment, then do it the next Sat morning...
they will have to do it eventually. Might as well do it when due and get
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 12:04:52 -0600
A sun sensitive rash caused by the sun reacting with chemicals on the
surface of the skin, not internally. There are rare diseases that have a sun
exposure rash but this is discussing chemicals on top of the skin that can
cause this rash. It only occurs where the skin is exposed to sunlight and
where the chemical is on the skin. For example, it can be only around the
mouth since the food product is on the skin around the mouth. Some of the
things causing this reaction: limes, lemons, celery, natural grasses, carrots,
oranges, parsley, parsnips, sagebrush, goldenrod, chrysanthemum, ragweed,
cocklebur, tobacco, figs, garlic, hot peppers, hyacinth and daffodil bulbs,
and certain types of soaps leaving a residue on the skin. It is diagnosed by
leaving some skin without it and some with it and watching the difference
after sunlight exposure.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 13 Feb 2000 22:47:42 -0600
Daily or weekly rituals are very important to children of any age. They
look forward to it and feel security in their lives and safety. Examples:
Family movie night
Walking the dogs after supper
Reading aloud at bedtime
Going to church every Sunday
Game night where we play board games.
Buy candy or drink on the way home from school.
These are what they will remember after we are dead. Not the fact that we
bought things for them or did their clothes. It is time spent.
The boy came in to the house all dirty. The dad asked what he had been
doing and the boy replied "working on the car with grandpa." The Dad
asked what grandpa paid him to work on the car. The boy replied "He paid
me attention."
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 20 Feb 2000 22:45:06 -0600
At the beginning of the century, the typical American life expectancy at
birth was 47 years; now it's 76. Since 1970, life expectancy at birth has
jumped from 55 to 64 years in the developing world, while infant mortality has
declined by half. Antibiotics, vaccines, water purification improvements, and
the agricultural yield necessary for secure nutrition have been key factors in
the decline of death rates. The late economist Julian Simon delighted in
showing a chart of human life expectancy; the figure stayed level at an
average of 30 years essentially from prehistory until the beginning of the
20th century, when it blasted off like a moon rocket. Simon, who was denied
his own 77 years, called greater life expectancy "the most important
achievement in human history."
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000 23:42:37 -0600
15% portrayed substance abuse by characters who appeared younger that 18
years old in movies. Of the main characters who appeared to be minors, 8% used
illicit drugs, 17% smoked, 22% drank alcohol and 4% used other substances.
Tobacco was used in 79% of G or PG, 82% of PG-13, and 92% of r-rated movies.
Alcohol was used in 76% of G or PG, 97% of GP-13, and 94% of R-rated movies.
Illegal drug use was portrayed in a humorous context in 26% of
movies. Fewer than 15% of young characters who smoked marijuana or
cigarettes experienced any apparent consequences of their use. Illicit drugs
appeared in 18% of the songs, alcohol in 17%, and tobacco in 3%. Substances
appeared in 75% of rap songs, 20% of hot-100 , and 20% of alternative rock,
14% of country-western and 12% of heavy metal songs. Yes it has an effect! Dr.
Date: Sun, 5 Mar 2000 22:56:03 -0600
Twenty-Five Ways to Spot Quacks and Vitamin Pushers (see:
1. When Talking about Nutrients, They Tell Only Part of the Story.
2. They Claim That Most Americans Are Poorly Nourished.
3. They Recommend "Nutrition Insurance" for Everyone.
4. They Say That Most Diseases Are Due to Faulty Diet and Can Be Treated
with "Nutritional" Methods.
5. They Allege That Modern Processing Methods and Storage Remove all
Nutritive Value from Our Food.
6. They Claim That Diet Is a Major Factor in Behavior.
7. They Claim That Fluoridation Is Dangerous.
8. They Claim That Soil Depletion and the Use of Pesticides and
"Chemical" Fertilizers Result in Food That Is Less Safe and Less
9. They Claim You Are in Danger of Being "Poisoned" by Ordinary
Food Additives and Preservatives.
10. They Charge That the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) Have Been
Set Too Low.
11. They Claim That under Stress, and in Certain Diseases, Your Need for
Nutrients Is Increased.
12. They Recommend "Supplements" and "Health Foods" for
13. They Claim That "Natural" Vitamins are Better than
"Synthetic" Ones.
14. They Suggest That a Questionnaire Can Be Used to Indicate Whether You
Need Dietary Supplements.
15. They Say It Is Easy to Lose Weight.
16. They Promise Quick, Dramatic, Miraculous Results.
17. They Routinely Sell Vitamins and Other "Dietary Supplements"
as Part of Their Practice.
18. They Use Disclaimers Couched in Pseudomedical Jargon.
19. They Use Anecdotes and Testimonials to Support Their Claims.
20. They Claim That Sugar Is a Deadly Poison.
21. They Display Credentials Not Recognized by Responsible Scientists or
22. They Offer to Determine Your Body's Nutritional State with a Laboratory
Test or a Questionnaire.
23. They Claim They Are Being Persecuted by Orthodox Medicine and That
Their Work Is Being Suppressed Because It's Controversial.
24. They Warn You Not to Trust Your Doctor.
25. They Encourage Patients to Lend Political Support to Their Treatment
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2000 23:07:41 -0600
Pink eye is just what is sounds like. The white of the eye is bloodshot and
there is green/yellow pus coming out of the eye every few hours all day. But
sinus allergies and infections can cause the eye to have a little green mucous
in the corner 3 times a day and the white of the eye is not red. That is a
"cold in the eye" as grandma would say. That does not need drops in
the eyes. It needs the sinuses treated with antihistamines &/or
antibiotics. If there is green yuck in the corner of the eyes and out the
nose... half of the small children will have ear infections with it. Watch for
irritable child and night crying.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2000 10:54:37 -0600
Here are the basic poison prevention tips that every person should check
during National Poison Prevention Week:
1. Use child-resistant packaging properly by closing the container securely
after use.
2. Keep all chemicals and medicines locked up and out of sight.
3. Call the poison center immediately in case of poisoning. Keep on hand a
bottle of "syrup of ipecac" but use it only if the poison center
instructs you to induce vomiting.
4. When products are in use, never let young children out of your sight,
even if you must take them along when answering the phone or doorbell.
5. Keep items in original containers.
6. Leave the original labels on all products, and read the label before
7. Do not put decorative lamps and candles that contain lamp oil where
children can reach them.
8. Always leave the light on when giving or taking medicine. Check the
dosage every time.
9. Avoid taking medicine in front of children. Refer to medicine as
"medicine," not "candy."
10. Clean out the medicine cabinet periodically and safely dispose of
unneeded and outdated medicines.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 10:57:43 -0600
Spring and bug season. Repellants and OK but 10% deet or less are found in
"Repel, Skeedaddle, and Off Skintastic for kids". Also Permethrin in
the 0.5% aerosol form used on clothing (not skin) helps against ticks. Soybean
Oil called Bite Blocker also is supposed to be effective and safe. Others with
citronella do NOT work good are Skin-so-soft, Nutrapel, and Buzz Away. The
combinations of sunscreen and repellants are not good because the deet
degrades the sunscreen and the sunscreen is applied repeatedly and not the
deet. Careful of the small infants. They burn in the shade from indirect
light. (Not wind burn.) Keeping them covered with lite weight long sleeve and
pants is better than chemicals. Have a sunny spring.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2000 13:58:48 -0500
Night terrors are where the child begins screaming in their sleep and
really are not awake. They do not realize that you came into the room. The
parent wakes them up and then puts them back to sleep. It occurs in 2% of
children from 1 to 15 years old. I have never seen it past 4 years. It is not
related to emotional disorders, or night mares. It is a type of sleep disorder
like sleep waking or talking, bed wetting, and grinding teeth, and there is a
higher incidence in families with these problems. One author recommended
waking the child up about half an hour after falling asleep and then put them
back to sleep. (Oh - Right!) Do this up to one week and it will usually stops
the terrors for awhile. Then repeat if they recur at a later date. Well it is
worth a try.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 10:55:42 -0500
Researchers found a higher incidence of Pneumocystis carinii in infants
lungs who died of SIDS. This germ has been typically found in infected lungs
of people who were immune deficient for any reason. It turns out that 94% of
normal children have antibodies to it by 4 years of age. In a study from Chili
of 534 normal children dying of SIDS, 25% had P. carinii while similar infants
dying of other causes had 2.9%. A second study found 14% verses 2.9%. It
should be interesting if this is one of the many causes of crib death. This
can be treated with Septra antibiotic. Until this is studied more, keep
sleeping infants on their backs. (Until they can roll over!)
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 10:55:02 -0500
The eyes of newborns can have cataracts. We test them by looking for the
"red reflex" which is the red eye when you take pictures. If we
cannot see it then we refer them to see Eye doctor. If the cataracts are not
removed in the first month of life, then they can be permanently blind. Thank
goodness it is extremely rare. Watch for it when you take pictures of your
infant. If it is not present in older children in one eye, it may be that
their eyes are not lined up straight and have lazy eye. Crossing is common the
first 2 months and rare the next 4 months. Any crossing after 6 months is
trouble; until they can cross them on purpose at school age.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000 00:01:15 -0500
Sensorineural hearing impairment (SNHI) is not a rare disorder. In fact the
incidence of significant SNHI is approximately 1 per 1,000 births. The
etiology of SNHI is genetically based in approximately half (40-60%) of
pediatric cases. Furthermore, about one in eight people are carriers of an
autosomal recessive form of hearing impairment.
The type of audiology evaluation conducted depends on the age of the child
and ability of the child to cooperate. (birth to 5 months), hearing is best
assessed by Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER). Behavioral Sound Field
Audiometry is recommended for evaluating the hearing of from 6 months to 3
years of age. Children over three years old can be tested using earphones.
Children with slight hearing loss (15 - 25 dB) usually hear vowel sounds
clearly but may miss consonant sounds. This may lead to mild auditory and
language dysfunction. Mild hearing loss (25 - 40 dB) makes it difficult for
the child to hear louder-voiced sounds. Auditory dysfunction, language delay,
and speech problems are common. Children with moderate hearing loss (40 - 65
dB) miss most conversational level speech sounds. In this case, speech
problems, language delay, learning problems, and inattention are usually
present. Hearing loss of 65 - 95 dB is considered a severe hearing loss.
Children with severe hearing loss hear no speech sounds at conversational
level. These children always have severe speech problems, language delay,
learning problems, and inattention. Profound hearing loss, greater than 95 dB,
results in all of the above problems since the children hear no speech or
other sounds. The term "deaf" is usually used to describe a child
whose threshold for hearing speech sounds is 80 dB. The possible etiologies of
SNHI are: Hereditary=40%, Meningitis, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)
graduates, Congenital infections , Ototoxic drugs, Down syndrome Early
detection of hearing impairment is imperative. Unfortunately, the average age
at which moderate to severe SNHI is detected is 23 months. Ideally, one would
like to make the diagnosis at birth, hence the promotion of Universal Newborn
Hearing Screening Programs.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 1 May 2000 18:19:27 -0500
Two infants born with life threatening immune system disorder that forced
them to live in Bubbles. The were treated with experimental genetic therapy
and now live active normal lives. If they continue to do well, they will be
the first to be treated by gene therapy. This maybe controversial but it will
definitely save lives. And if it was our children, we would be 100% for it.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 8 May 2000 22:53:50 -0500
Base ball pitching injuries. Recommended standards for less injuries to
Amount of pitching.
Age Max pitches/game Max games/week
8-10 52 +or- 15 2 +or- 0.6
11-12 68 +/- 18 same
13-14 76 +/- 16 same
15-16 91 +/- 16 same
17-18 106 +/- 16 same
Minimum age for learning pitches:
age +/- 2yr pitch
8 fastball
10 change-up
14 curveball
15 knuckleball
16 slider
16 forkball
17 screwball
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 14 May 2000 15:57:58 -0500
Children are not developmentally ready for formal swimming lessons until
after their fourth birthday, states the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Drowning is a leading cause of unintentional injury and death in the pediatric
age group and highest among toddlers aged 1 to 2 years. In Arizona,
California, Florida, and Texas, drowning is the leading cause of unintentional
injury and death in this age group. While millions of infants and preschool
children participate in aquatic programs, these should not be promoted as a
way to decrease the risk of drowning. Water activities are fun and OK to do.
We just do not want true swimming lessons. I do not recommend 9 month old
"drownproofing" the infants. It is not their responsibility not to
drown. It's ours! Infants below 1 year old can drop their body temperature
quickly. Use care not to be in cold water for too long a time, and take their
temp after swimming to be sure it does not go below 97. And use sun screen.
Lets have a safe summer.
Dr. Knapp
Mon, 22 May 2000 18:35:51 -0500 (CDT)
Self esteem is helped not by what you say TO your child but what you say
ABOUT your child to others in your child's listening distance. They hear every
word. Do not say anything negative about your child in situations where they
can hear... even if they are in the next room and can hear. Try to say good
things about them to others where they hear. It is important to tell your
child they are good, beautiful, etc. but it means more when you tell these
things to others.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 00:20:31 -0500
Summer means plants. Be careful about children ingesting plants and getting
ill. Common Plants that you would not think of can cause death. They are the
leaves and stems of potato, tomato, and rhubarb plants. House plants that are
not poisonous are African violet, Fushias, Roses, Ficus and Spider plants. The
local Poison control centers are: North Texas Poison Center, P.O. Box 35926,
Dallas, TX 75235 Phone: 214-590-5000 Central Texas Poison Center Phone:
(800)POISON1 Internet address to search for a plant information. is: Assume any plant is poisonous and if
the child ingests a plant, give them Epicac from the drug store to make them
vomit. Even if it is not poisonous, they will learn not to eat plants. Sounds
mean but it is important they learn.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2000 23:05:50 -0500
Illnesses associated with high environmental temperatures include
heatstroke (hyperthermia = high temp), heat exhaustion, heat syncope, and heat
cramps. Heatstroke is a medical emergency characterized by the rapid onset and
increase (within minutes) of the core body temperature to >105 F, lethargy,
disorientation, delirium, and coma. Heatstroke is often fatal despite rapidly
lowering the body temperature (e.g., ice baths), because irreparable
neurologic damage has occurred. Heat exhaustion is characterized by dizziness,
weakness, or fatigue often following several days of sustained exposure to hot
temperatures, and results from dehydration or electrolyte imbalance; treatment
includes replacing fluids and electrolytes. Heat syncope and heat cramps are
caused by physical exertion during hot weather and is caused by peripheral
blood vessels dilating. Persons who lose consciousness because of heat syncope
should be placed in a recumbent position with feet elevated and given fluid
and electrolyte replacement. For heat cramps, physical exertion should be
discontinued and fluids and electrolytes replaced. All persons are at risk for
hyperthermia when exposed to a sustained period of excessive heat; however,
factors that increase the risk for hyperthermia and heat-related death include
age (e.g., the elderly), chronic health conditions, mental illness (e.g.,
schizophrenia), social circumstances (e.g., living alone), and other
conditions that might interfere with the ability to care for oneself. Other
risk factors are alcohol consumption, which may cause dehydration, previous
heatstroke, physical exertion in exceptionally hot environments, the use of
medications that interfere with the body's heat regulatory system, such as
antipsychotics and major tranquilizers, and medications with anticholinergic
effects (e.g., tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, some
antiparkinsonian agents, and some over-the-counter sleep medication). Persons
working in hot indoor or outdoor environments should take 10-14 days to
acclimate to high temperatures. Although adequate salt intake is important,
salt tablets are not recommended and can be hazardous to some persons.
Although the use of fans may increase comfort at temperatures <90 F, fans
are not protective against heatstroke when temperatures reach >90 F and
humidity exceeds 35%. Parents should be educated about the heat sensitivity of
children aged <5 years, and should never leave them unattended, especially
in motor vehicles. When a heat wave is predicted, friends, relatives,
neighbors, and caretakers should check frequently on elderly, disabled,
mentally ill, chronically ill, and home-bound persons.
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 21:58:58 -0500
Teen boys when they start puberty develop a breast bud. It is sore and gets
to the size of a nickel or quarter. It is in one or both breasts and is
located just below the nipple. This is normal and reassure them it will go
away later. See the doctor if it gets bigger.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 09:06:10 -0500
Poison Ivy cannot be spread like we used to think. It seems like it but
what the specialists say is that one area breaks out in 1 day, another in 3
days, and another in 5 days. It just seemed like you were spreading it. You
can break out more if there is plant material on your clothing. Or one gets
out in it again and has another exposure. But you cannot give it to someone
else from your skin lesions. Take a bath immediately after exposure and you
can prevent breaking out with it. Treat it with Cortisone 10 cream.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2000 20:59:09 -0500
Growing pains
These are leg aches in the evening or night. They follow a busy day and can
be treated by rubbing them, put muscle rubs like icyhot, or give Motrin. You
can also anticipate them and give Motrin before bed. There is an orthopedic
problem if they have leg aches in the morning and limp during the day. Also
look for progression. If the problem (stomach aches, headaches, leg aches,
etc.) continues to get worse, then it needs to see the doctor.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 2000 20:54:40 -0500
Child safety should always be top priority for parents. The number one
cause of burns in my practice is now the curling iron. Parents have been good
about being careful about hot drinks, hot bath water, and cigarettes. Keep a
vigil at home for problem areas. Think If I slipped and was knocked
unconscious, would my child still be safe. Is there anything they might get
into that would hurt them. If you find yourself saying Yeow! Get away from
that! then you better fix that danger so they cannot be hurt by it because you
might not see them get into it next time.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sat, 15 Jul 2000 19:38:03 -0500
Growing pains These are leg aches in the evening or night. They follow a
busy day and can be treated by rubbing them, put muscle rubs like icyhot, or
give Motrin. You can also anticipate them and give Motrin before bed. There is
an orthopedic problem if they have leg aches in the morning and limp during
the day. Also look for progression. If the problem (stomach aches, headaches,
aches, etc.) continues to get worse, then it needs to see the doctor. Dr.
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 06:50:15 -0500
Talk to your 18mo to 4 years olds to increase their language skills. A very
good learning help are some books at this web site. These are great learning
help materials.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 09:39:05 -0500
For those thinking of having another child. Be sure to take Prenatal
vitamins when trying. To increase the chances for a boy/girl try timing of
intercourse described in Choosing the Sex of Your Baby. Couples trying to
conceive may want to stay away from certain herbal supplements, including St.
John's wort, a popular herb used to treat depression, experts warn. St. John's
wort, echinacea, and gingko biloba are among the herbs that may affect the
chances of conceiving, experts say. Men and women who are trying to become
parents should be wary of any herbal supplements and should talk to a
specialist before using them. Many herbal preparations have been documented to
contain estrogenic substances, which can have an impact on sex-hormone
concentration and fertility. Echinacea and gingko biloba may hurt sperm
production and fertilizing capability. None of these herbs have been studied.
Be very cautious when using them. Other factors known to affect fertility. 1.
Cigarette smoking. 2. Vaginal lubricants. 3. Age.(decrease 3 percent annually
after age 24). 4. Wearing tight briefs.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2000 16:44:14 -0500
The procedure Cochlear Implant for deafness in children is now being used
in patients as young as 11 months old. The children learn to talk and function
normally in society. It also is economical considering it costs $50,000 over
their lifetime and the child earns much more than that during their life. Also
there are some medications that will come off patent and be available as
generics. That usually means it will be cheaper and over the counter. They
The antidepressant (Prozac),
the antianxiety drug buspirone (BuSpar),
the hair-loss treatment finasteride (Propecia),
the hypertension drug enalapril (Vasotec),
the osteoporosis medication raloxifene (Evista),
and the antihistamine loratadine (Claritin),
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2000 23:17:29 -0500
Olive oil is a great thing to have around the house for reasons other than
cooking (or other uses for oil). 1. Put olive oil in the ears if they are
crying at night with an ear infection. It will soothe the pain and we will
check the ears in the morning. 2. Put olive oil in the ears before the
children swim to prevent swimmers ear. 3. Put olive oil in the hair to cure
head lice. It smothers them. Put the oil in the hair, cover with a plastic
cap, and wash off the next morning. Repeat in 1 week. Of course use virgin
olive oil. Ha ha.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 00:07:59 -0500
Government says firestone replacement tires for the defective ones were as
bad as the original ones. These are the replacement tires that are also bad.
Tire Line Size Code
ATX P205/75R15 VD 1991 Chevy Blazer
ATX P225/ 75R15 HY
ATX 30X9.50R15LT VD
ATX 31X10.50R15LT VD 199194, Nissan Pick UP,
ATX 32X11.50R15LT VD
ATX 31X10.50R16.5LT VD
ATX 33X12.50R16.5LT VD
Firehawk ATX 27X8.50R14LT VD
Firehawk ATX 235/75R15 VD Firestone LPT235/75R15
Firehawk ATX 3OX9.50R15LT VD
Firehawk ATX 31X1O.5OR15LT VD
Firehawk ATX 32X11.50R15LT VD
Firehawk ATX 33X12.50R15LT VD
Firehawk ATX 265/75R16LT VD
Firehawk ATX 255/85R16LT VD
Firehawk ATX 31X10.50R16.5LT VD
Firehawk ATX 33X12.50R16.5LT VD
ATX 23 Degree 31X1O.50R15LT VD
ATX 23 Degree 33XI2.50RI6.5LT VD
Widetrack Radial Baja P225/75R15 VD
Radial Baja A/S 32X11.50R15LT VD
Wilderness AT P235/70R16 W2 199698 F60 F
Wilderness AT 33XI2.50RI6.5LT VD
Wilderness HT P255/70R15 VD
Dr. Knapp
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2000 02:04:08 -0500
Flu vaccine is important for kids with respiratory problems and asthma. It
is recommended for all adults and especially those with lung and heart
problems. There is supposed to be a shortage of flu vaccine manfactured this
year. Be sure to get your vaccine early before we run out. We usually get the
vaccine into the doctors' offices in October.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 23:26:16 -0500
Babies turn yellow skin between 6 months and 2 years. The maximum hits at 1
year old. Their skin turns yellow from the yellow vegetables. It is not
jaundice that turns the eyes yellow. This normal yellow skin without yellow
eyes is called Carotenemia. It is vitamin A in yellow vegetables, and does not
hurt them. Just a warning so you do not make an unnecessary trip to the
doctor. Also we mentioned last week about a shortage of flu vaccine. Our
office was notified we will not get it in till late November. So call your doc
and find out when they will get it. Then come in right away if you need it.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2000 11:24:20 -0500
Fifth's Disease is a common viral illness that occurs 2yr to adult but most
happen during grade school. They have red cheeks in what we call "slapped
cheek appearance". Then a few days latter they have a salmon-pink rash
slightly smaller than a pencil eraser all over the arms and legs. (sometimes
the chest and back) They do not itch or blister and they last a few weeks. No
harm to the normal child. And they are contagious a few weeks before this.
They are not contagious when the rash is there and we send them back to
school. Just one of those things you have to get and
get over.
Dr. Knapp
He who loses money, loses much;
He who loses a friend, loses more;
He who loses faith, loses all.
Date: Sat, 7 Oct 2000 21:57:45 -0500
Accutane is a wonderful drug to stop the severe scaring acne that can have
a lifetime of psychological problems with an adult face that is not pleasant
looking (although it does not bother me if someone has it, however it
definitely bothers many people who have those scars.) Accutane has side
effects and the blood has to be monitored. You take it 4 months and your acne
is gone. Women cannot get pregnant on it because it causes major defects.
There is now a warning that it causes severe depression and rare suicide in
adolescents while on it. Studies are going on to determine if it causes
increases in it or if there is just many teens with depression and suicide.
But the teen with severe acne IS stressed by the acne and depressed teens
squeeze the acne more causing more scars. Which came first? Anyway, careful of
giving it to a teen who is depressed and if a depressed teen has to have
Accutane, consider giving an antidepressant at the same time. It is still a
good drug and I would give it to my child if they needed it.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2000 10:00:37 -0500
Fifth Disease is a viral illness that has been around forever. It is not
about and many parents have not heard of it. It is common in grade school
years but can be seen from toddlers to adults. They have red cheeks and then a
few days later break out in salmon pink spots on the arms and legs, with some
having it on the torso. It does not itch or blister. They are not contagious
then and we send them back to school. The virus was in them several weeks
before the rash. Kinda wierd huh?
Dr. Knapp
Also, I sent a newsymail long time ago about "statin" drugs like
Lipitor can lower
cholesterol dramatically. Now studies show 60-70% less Alzheimer's disease
in patients taking statin drugs like lovastatin (Mevacor) and pravastatin (Pravachol).
Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2000 16:43:21 -0600
Halloween Safety:
Halloween is a magical time for children, but every year the holiday is
marred by accidents. These safety tips will help keep your children safe. Of
course the safest is to only go to church or school carnivals. Establish a
route for the children to take, in a known neighborhood. Tell them to use
flashlights if they go out after dusk, stay on sidewalks, avoid crossing
yards, and cross streets at the corner-not between parked cars. Children
should stop at all corners and stay together in a group before crossing the
street. They should go only to well-lit houses and remain on the porch rather
than going inside. Young children should be accompanied by an adult. They
should have their names and addresses on their costumes, know their phone
number, and have coins to make a call. Children old enough to go out alone
should have a curfew. Masks can obstruct vision and hearing. Try to talk your
child out of wearing one, and if that's not possible, make sure eye and ear
holes are sufficiently large. Face paint is a good substitute, but it should
be nontoxic and hypoallergenic. Costumes should be flame-retardant, fit
property, and be marked with reflective tape. Avoid oversized shoes, high
heels, trailing skirts or pants that your child could trip on, and floppy hats
than might obscure vision. If a knife or sword is part of the costume, these
toy weapons should be flexible-not rigid or sharp. Small children should not
carve pumpkins. They can be allowed to draw a face on the pumpkin with
markers, then let you do the cutting. Children over 5 can carve their own
jack-o'-lanterns, using special pumpkin cutters that come with safety bars. If
you light the jack-o'-lantern with a candle, votive candies are safest. Place
lighted pumpkins on a sturdy table, away from the door and from curtains and
other flammable objects. Never leave them unattended. Tell children to bring
all their treats home, so you can check them out. Watch for signs of
tampering, such as small pinholes in wrappers and torn o loose packaging. Look
for small items like gum, peanuts, hard candy, or small toys that pose a
choking hazard for younger children. To keep your home safe for visiting
trick-or-treaters, remove any hazards-garden hoses, toys, bikes, lawn
decorations-a child could trip over. Make sure the entrance is well-lit,
replace any burned-out bulbs, and sweep wet leaves from sidewalks and steps.
If you're out in a car on Halloween, drive slowly, watch for children, and
exit driveways with care, Have a safe holiday.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000 09:49:24 -0500
Children usually wake up in the night with night mares or just wake and
want to come in with the parents to sleep in the night. This is usually more
frequently from 2 to 4 years old. They would like someone else there to
comfort them and it can be a parent or a sibling. It is our job as parents to
feed, clothe and keep them safe. The question is how we reassure them that we
will keep them safe. Some parents will just call out and the child will go
back to sleep. Some parents go in the childs bed till they go back to sleep.
Some children come into their parents room and the parent takes them back into
the childs room until they go back to sleep. Some parents let them stay in
their bed. Some pull out from underneath the bed a pallet with pillow and
blanket for them to sleep on beside their bed. If does not matter how but it
is our job to do it. Decide how you and the child want to function and be
consistent. Dont let them in one night and not the next. We also have some
children who get up and roam the house, light the stove, or go outside the
front door. It is OK to lock your child in their room if they are roam. They
are safer locked in than getting into trouble.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2000 16:05:14 -0600
I have mentioned before that most herbal remedies have "1,000 years of
hearsay, but no good science to recommend them." For example, fenugreek
is often touted for its ability to increase breast milk supply, but some women
will take it and say it has no effect, while others claim it causes an
overproduction of milk. There are no studies to confirm its efficacy. But what
is known about fenugreek is that it can "cause hypoglycemia and
hypertension in the mother. In the nursing infant, it has been associated with
increased colic and diarrhea." Of even greater concern is the use of
comfrey ointment to treat sore nipples. Although this is a favorite
recommendation of many herbalists, the comfrey applied to nipples can be
passed to the infant. In infants, it has been associated with liver toxicity,
specifically hepatic veins clotting. Canada has banned comfrey for this
reason, but it is still available in the U.S. We recommend that women who are
interested in a so-called natural remedy for sore nipples should use purified
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 12 Nov 2000 21:53:20 -0600
There was a study that came out showing less memory if one ingested alot of
Neutrasweet (aspartane). They had more memory if they took antioxidants daily.
Also helps heart and decreases cancer. This was in adults... but could apply
to children.
Dr. Knapp
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2000 16:49:31 -0600
Doctors performed the first living-donor nerve transplant in an 8-month-old
infant who received nerves from his an attempt to restore the use of
his left arm. During his birth, Rodrigo Cervantes Corona of Morelia, Mexico,
suffered an injury to his left shoulder from brachial plexus palsy. One or two
babies per thousand experience damage to the brachial nerves during birth in
what we call Erbs Palsy. Many recover full use of the arm. This was not true
for Rodrigo. If the clavicle of the newborn breaks, then the nerve to the arm
does not get injured. So it is good if the newborn gets a fractured shoulder
clavicle. Weird huh?
Dr. Knapp
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 16:32:27 -0600
You will hear about Bush running mate Chaney getting an angioplasty and a
"stint" put into it. That is state of the art wire mesh to hold open
the coronary artery and is the best for your relatives if they are going in
for that procedure.
Dr. Knapp