Board Games
I recommend playing board games starting at 4
years old. They help train their attention span. (TV hypnotizes them) They work with
counting the spaces, reading the cards in Sorry, and adding subtracting banker in
Monopoly. They work with fair play, following rules, and how to be a good winner/looser
(us Dads havent learned that yet!)
Children should follow the rules. They will try to play the games differently but insist
on them playing by the rules. And that is life. We have rules at job, rules of driving,
taxes and at school. It is important that they learn to play by others rules. There
are other times when they can be creative. Keep the TV and video games to 2 hours a day or
less. And watch out for the violent ones, it does rub off on them as you have seen lately
in the news.
Dr. Knapp