Poison Ivy
Poison Ivy is around every summer. If you are
allergic to it then it will cause a blistery itchy rash a few days
later. If you get around it and come in right away, take a sudsy bath
and put the clothes in the washer, then you will not break out much. If
you do get a rash, it is not contagious. We thought it spread but we
could not intentionally spread it. What happened is that one area broke
out in 1 day, another in 3days, and another in 5 days. We thought we
were spreading it but didn’t. Or you get out in more of it. There are
10 plants out there that can give you the allergic rash but Poison Ivy
is the most common. Treat the rash with hydrocortisone. If worse then
get a Rx for stronger Steroid creams. If all over and on the face, then
call to get oral steroids. Attached are pictures of the rash and the
Roger Knapp MD