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Four Eagle Ceremonies:

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Eagle Ceremony #1




NOVEMBER 8, 1998




I. Introduction/Welcome

MC Roger Knapp On behalf of Troop 508, I would like to welcome 
you to this Eagle Court of Honor. This Court of Honor is unique for this 
Troop in that we are recognizing three scouts, Dustin Askins, Tyler Horner, 
and Ben Johansen, who have covered the trail to Eagle substantially together 
from the beginning in Tiger Cubs. These scouts learned as Webelos that the 
Scout Oath signified a threefold duty:

Duty to God and Country

Duty to Others

Duty to Self

We will now begin to convene this Court of Honor in an act of doing our 
duty to God. J.R. Vassar former Youth Pastor of MacArthur Boulevard Baptist 
Church will now give the invocation.

II. Duty to God-Invocation

YP J.R.Vassar God spoke to Moses and it is recorded in Deuteronomy Chapter 6 
of the Bible (Read Deuteronomy 6:1-9). Proverbs 22:6 also say: "Train up a child in 
the way he should go, And even when he is old he will not depart from it.

The parents and leaders of these Eagle candidates have this responsibility and have 
used the scouting program as a tool in this training. It is our prayer that these Eagle 
candidates will continue through out their lives to follow the principles they have learned.

Please join me in prayer. ( J.R. Vassar Offers a prayer for the occasion. All three scouts 
have participated in youth activities sponsored by MBBC)

III. Duty to Country-Flag Ceremony

MC Roger Knapp We will now participate in an act showing duty and respect for our country. 
Scouts of Troop 508 will now lead us in a flag ceremony.

(The head color guard now takes position at center stage. Color guards with the American, and 
Troop flags will enter from the back of the sanctuary at the command of the head color guard. The
 American Flag bearer Tommy Poynter and one color guard Jonathan Poynter will enter, walk 
down the right outside isle of the sanctuary, walk across the base of the stage stairs from right to 
left and post the flag on the left side of the stage. The Troop ( Trey Parham and Ken Dubois ) flag 
will do the same only left to right.)

CG Aaron Israel

"Attention! Salute! Pledge of Allegiance! I Pledge ........................." "two! You may be 
seated. Color guard return to post."(Here the head color guard and the flag bearers return 
their seats via the back of the sanctuary)

(Now advance to the stage 4 scouts Keith Green , Ian Svajda ,Matthew Adamson , Jack Teel .
 Two taking position behind and one on each side of the candle table.)

(Scout 1 Keith Green lights the single candle on the back table.)

"Before you stands a single lighted candle. It represents the spirit of Scouting. This spirit makes 
all the programs in scouting possible and is the spark that ignites the scouting movement across 
America. We will now use it to light the three candles that represent the three colors of the 
American Flag."

(Three scouts light their candles and say their part:)

SC2 Ian Svajda :

(as he lights the Red candle)

"The red of my flag is the lifeblood of brave men ready to die for our country."

SC3 Matthew Adamson :

(as he lights the white candle)

"The white of my flag is for purity and cleanliness of purpose, thought, and deed."

SC4 Jack Teel :

(as he lights the blue candle)

"The blue of my flag is for faith and loyalty, like the eternal blue of the star filled heavens."

(Four scouts leave and be seated.)

IV. Convening The Court of Honor

MC Roger Knapp

"By the authority vested in me as a representative of the Circle Ten Council and the 
National Council, Boy Scouts of America, I declare this court of honor to be duly 

"Today we have the honor and pleasure of recognizing Ben Johansen, Tyler Horner, and 
Dustin Askins, candidates for the rank of Eagle. This is an important and serious matter. 
Dustin’s, Benjamin’s and Tyler’s parents and scout leaders have labored long and faithfully
 to guide him towards alert and participating citizenship through the boy scout program. 
Their efforts culminate today in the presentation of this Eagle Badge."

VII. The Candidates Trail to Eagle

(Presented here will be a personalized trail to Eagle following these three candidates from 
Tiger Cubs to Eagle)

MC Roger Knapp

It is appropriate that we recognize that the requirements to become an Eagle Scout are designed 
to provide a broad base of outdoor and basic life skills which increase in difficulty. This progression
 has the goal of preparing a boy towards the building of the character of a young man. Actually the
 Trail to Eagle formally begins when a boy becomes a Scout a the age of 11 years. However, the
 scouting trail began for these three young men as boys of age between 6 and 7 in Tiger Cubs. Let 
us take a moment to take a personal recounting of the Trail to Eagle for Dustin, Ben, and Tyler.

XA Stan Green Tiger Cub and Bobcat

Upon entering the 2nd grade at T.J. Lee Elementary School, Tyler and Ben along with their parents
 joined Cub Scout Pack 509 as Tiger Cubs. Dustin entered Tiger cubs at Casa View Elementary 
School in Dallas, and during the year moved to T.J. Lee. In Tiger Cubs they met once a month 
along with one of their parents, usually Dad. Each of their monthly meetings was built around a
 program theme. Crafts, games, snacks and outings were activities which began teaching skills, 
cooperation and basic life principles. Search, Discover, Share was the Oath of these Tiger Cubs.


Dustin’s Tiger Cub group became Cub Scout Den # 3, led by his mother Vicky Askins. Tyler and 
Ben’s Tiger Cub group became Cub Scout Den # 1 led by Mr. Mark Hummert. Baden Powell, 
the founder of Scouting based the Cub Scout program on one of the stories in Rudyard Kipling’s 
Jungle Book’s. It was called "Mowgli’s Brothers". These young Cub Scouts came to know it as 
the Story of Akela. Their first step was to learn The Cub Scout Promise, The Law of The Pack, 
and the Cub Scout motto. When they had mastered these basic principles of scouting, Ben, Tyler,
 and Dustin were awarded their Bobcat Badges on the same Pack Meeting night. The Badge was 
pinned on upright as they were held upside down. When they had performed their first good deed
 they began their Duty to Others and turned the pin right side up.

XB Dale Owens Wolf and Bear Cub Scouts

The Trail continued as these new members of the Pack were guided by Akela along the Wolf Trail.
 Their tracks covered Achievements including Feats of Skill, Your Flag, Keeping Your Body
 Healthy, Knowing your Home and Community, Tools for Fixing and Building, Start a Collection, 
Your Living World, Cooking and Eating, Being Safe at Home and on the Street, Family Fun, Duty
 to God, and Making Choices. Den meetings for Tyler and Benjamin typically had a time of 
working on a craft or skill, a vigorous game, refreshments, and a closing Cub Scout skill learning 
contest. A half court basketball game in Mr. Hummert’s driveway was a favorite when the weather
 was good. By the spring of their second grade year in school all three of these Scouts had earned
 the rank of Wolf Cub Scout.

Then the summer came and it was time for Cub Scout Day Camp. A camp T-Shirt and a Den 
which called themselves the Okapi added to the excitement. The Den Song went al little like this: 
"We’re the Okapis of Pack 509 - We’re the Okapis and we’re mighty fine-We’re the Okapi’s of 
Pack 509-We’re the Okapi’s, We’re here rain or shine". The thrill of shooting B-B guns at the 
Rifle range and learning to shoot arrows with a bow, taking nature hikes, making crafts and 
swimming made Day Camp memories and helped to seal lasting friendships. Having, their own 
campsite even though there were no tents, made the adventure thrilling.

During the Third Grade these now experienced Cubs worked on more advanced skills toward 
becoming Bear Cub Scouts. Special events added to their growth including the opportunity to 
design build and race a pinewood derby car, and taking part in the Scout Show at Texas Stadium.

By early spring of their Third Grade year Tyler, Ben and Dustin had earned their Bear Badge and 
continued learning and demonstrating more skills to earn arrow points.

XC Dennis Baker Webelos

In the fall of their Fourth Grade year the Cubs from Dustin’s Den joined with Benjamin’s and 
Tyler’s Den to form a Webelos Den. Now they could wear uniforms just like the Boy Scouts, 
and to earn the Webelos Badge we showed our Webelos Leader that we understood the Scout 
Oath, Law, Motto, Slogan, Salute, Sign, and Handclasp, along with earning several activity badges
 which were like Merit Badges. Also, we learned more about our Duty to God, Country and 


At this time Tyler took an extra step and earned the religious emblem of his faith. This was a great 
accomplishment for which he was recognized at his church where he was presented the badge.

Den meetings were fun because the scouts learned skills for camping, home handyman, fitness and
 others which were already preparing them not only for Boy Scouting but for their adult life and 
citizenship. They can remember playing the shoe relay and turning out the lights in the school 
cafeteria and playing a game sending messages using Morse code and a flash light.

Then came camping. The first experience for these three scouts came at a Webeloree at Camp 
Wisdom. It rained all day while they were in skill sessions in the camp mess hall. By early evening
 the clouds began to clear and even though it was muddy and getting dark, these guys begged to 
stay and camp. They were ready. So, the adults, three of which were their fathers, agreed. They 
cooked hamburgers and hot dogs (or maybe it was Boboli Pizzas in a box oven), had a campfire, 
and spent a momentous night under the stars. You could see here that these three scouts were 
destined to be in this ceremony today.

Before school was out in their fourth grade year, the entire Den had earned their Webelos Badge. 
For this, there was a special ceremony put on by Order of the Arrow members from Troop 508. 
What an inspiration to continue towards being a Boy Scout.

XD Richard Buckner Arrow of Light

Now in fifth Grade these three scouts continued their diligent work towards earning the Arrow of 
Light Award, which is the only Cub Scout badge which can be worn on their Boy Scout uniform.
 Now they showed proficiency in repeating from memory the Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan.
 Here they began learning more emergency related First Aid by showing and explaining how to
handle the "hurry up" cases. Demonstrations at Den meeting were fun and they used first aid relays
 to help them learn, remember and act quickly. Required to complete The Arrow of Light Award
 was the completion of four more activity badges, which all three accomplished before the end of 
March of their Fifth Grade year.

An additional requirement was that they participate in a Webelos Overnighter or Day Hike. Well 
these scouts had already been camping as first year Webelos, so they were ready for the big time. 
A weekend at Camp Cherokee which included a horseback ride around the camp was their 
adventure. Each boy had a parent joining them on this outing which turned out to be an enjoyable
 adventure. At night there was a visit by a racoon who thought he was going to get something to 
eat. Little did he know that Mr. Horner had risen early to warm his feet by the fire, and he was 
denied the treats that he could smell. These scouts got an early lesson, that would carry them to 
Philmont, about putting up your smellables so the varmints can’t get them.

Well, with most of the requirements completed, the Den began the process of visiting Boy Scout 
Troop meetings to prepare them to make the decision of where to continue on the Trail to Eagle. 
Six out of eight of the scouts in the Den chose to join Troop 508. But before the transition was 
made to Boy Scouts the Order of the Arrow Members of Troop 508 staged an Arrow of Light
 and Crossover Ceremony at the April Pack 509 Meeting. At this time Dustin, Benjamin, and 
Tyler along with fellow Troop 508 scouts Michael Baker and Mac Thomasson, shot an arrow
 into a target with the help of the Troop 508 Archer, and received their Arrow of Light Award. 
A memorable moment that night was the bridge crossover ceremony by which they crossed over
 from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. "Uncle" Herb Boyd, Scoutmaster emeritus of Troop 508 and
 two scouts, met these new scouts as they crossed the bridge, to welcome them to the Troop and 
show them that there would always be someone there to help them carry their load.

MC Roger Knapp

In a special ceremony their Webelos Dad, Ken Johansen, tied a square knot in the tails of their 
Webelos neckerchief. It was said at the time that this knot would remain tied until their Eagle 
Ceremony. Thus, at this time, Honor Guard, please escort the Eagle Candidates to the center 
stage, for this symbolic untying.

Ken Johansen, since you were their Webelos Dad, would you come forward to untie the knots
 in their neckerchiefs.

(Ken Johansen also comes forward and recounts the earlier ceremony and congratulates them 
upon keeping their promise to themselves to complete the trail to Eagle. The Honor Guard is then 
asked to seat the candidates in the front center row for the remainder of the Trail to Eagle Story.)

Honor Guard, please seat these Eagle Candidates as we continue telling of their Trail to Eagle.


X Dennis Teel

By virtue of their Webelos and Arrow of Light preparation, it took very little time for these young 
scouts to earn the ranks of Scout and Tenderfoot. Their first camp out in Troop 508 in May of
 their fifth grade year was held at Fort Richardson. Here they saw the Bird Lady and her many 
rescued birds of prey. At this same camp out basic compass and orienteering skills were taught
and an orienteering course was covered. This was the beginning of the learning of skills that they 
would later employ to hike ten days on the trail at Philmont.

Their first summer camp was a trip to Camp Pioneer near Mena Arkansas. Here Dustin, Tyler and 
Benjamin were enrolled in the First Year Camper program where they each substantially completed |
requirements for the Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class ranks. At the week’s end, they 
witnessed their first Order of the Arrow tap out, which was an inspiring experience in itself.

XF Dennis Teel Second Class - First Class

Along the trail through Second and First Class Scout, camping skills were learned and experienced
 including the correct use of hand axes, saws, and knives; how to pack for a camp out without taking 
everything but the kitchen sink. These three joined with their patrol one cool Saturday in November to 
hike a course through L.B. Houston Park that they had laid out together using a topographical map and
 a compass.

Camping was a major highlight along the Trail; once a month and always to someplace different Their 
was usually something memorable about every camp out. A Troop 508 Christmas camp out with Turkey
 baked under the coals and all the trimmings will not be forgotten. One February long school break 
weekend took the troop to the Old Spanish Cave near the Arkansas, Oklahoma, Missouri Borders. 
What a thrill to explore in groups and pet the bats hanging from the passage ceilings. Sometimes rainy 
and cold weather set up special camp out experiences, like the trip to Lake Lewisville when they spent
the rainy mid afternoon making boats from paper plates, cups and markers. A race across a cove area 
made Ben a winner with Tyler close behind.


XH Chuck Fry Star

Continuing to be active in Troop activities while in Junior High School, these three Eagle Candidates began
 earning merit badges towards earning he rank of Star. Swimming, First Aid and Leather work Merit 
Badges were three of the six required which were earned at Camp Pioneer, their first summer camp. For
 their troop positions of responsibility, Ben served as the Troop Quartermaster, Dustin was Troop 
Chaplin’s Aid, and Tyler was Patrol Leader. They each took part in service projects totaling at least 6 
hours. Tyler participated in Jonathan Owens Eagle Project, Dustin participated in a workday at Woodhaven
 Presbyterian Church, and Benjamin aided in the painting of play ground equipment at Fritz Park for a Taik 
Ra’s Eagle Project.

Also, while working towards the Rank of Star, they all traveled with the Troop to summer camp at Camp 
Chris Dobbins in the Peaceful Valley Scout Ranch located northeast of Colorado Springs, Colorado. This 
was a memorable experience which included a quick dip in the cold pool at 6:00 AM in the morning to earn
 their Polar Bear Patch, cool sleeping nights, a salad bar at meals, a Camp Director that did not like root 
beer, and a tour of the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs on the return trip home.


XI Carter Hallmark Life

For these three determined Scouts, the trail from Star to Life added to their scout skills, personal
 development, and adventure. They earned now up to a minimum total of 11 merit Badges which included 
three more of those specifically required for Eagle. Of those required, Dustin added Citizenship in the 
Nation, Citizenship in the World, and Safety; Tyler added Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the 
World, and Citizenship in the Community, and Ben added Communications, Emergency Preparedness, 
and Citizenship in the Nation.

Ben and Dustin and worked together on Emergency Preparedness at their next summer camp stay at Camp
 Cherokee. Also, at Cherokee Ben and Dustin took the Challenge and completed the mile swim with Dustin
 coaching and counting laps and Ben Swimming; Tyler missed this summer camp and did his duty to others 
by attending a special family reunion.

All three were elected by the Troop to be candidates for the Order of the Arrow, the Brotherhood of 
Honored Campers. Dustin took his Ordeal first at Camp Greyson on Lake Texoma. Later that year Tyler 
and Ben took their Ordeal at also Camp Greyson, where Dustin unselfishly also attended as a member to
 be sure Ben and Tyler earned their entry.

Their leadership skills continued to be developed as Tyler served as Patrol Leader, Dustin was Troop 
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, and Ben took on a second term as Troop Quartermaster. Each were 
required to take part in at least 6 hours of service projects. For these Ben Took part for 18 hours in a
 cleanup and repair of Tornado victims property in Lancaster, Texas, Tyler helped with the Scouting for 
Food drive and the Woodhaven Craft Fair, and Dustin helped two scout with their Eagle service projects.


During their trail to Life, these Scouts along with 8 others from Troop 508 also began their training, 
physical conditioning, and upgrading of their hiking and camping equipment in preparation for their July
1995 trip to Philmont Scout Ranch. Roger Knapp, since you shared this 1995 adventure, would you take 
a moment to share a few of the of the memories of this trek for the audience.

MC Roger Knapp Philmont:

After a year of preparation, Dustin, Ben, and Tyler along with 8 other Troop 508 scouts over the age of 
14 and six adult leaders participated in a Trek at the Philmont Scout Ranch during which they hiked the
 mountains of Cimmaron New Mexico for ten days, carrying food, shelter, clothing and necessary supply
 provisions. Although a Trek at Philmont includes an amount of hardship from weather and long hiking days, 
each of these hikers found challenge and enjoyment that makes them want to "go back to Philmont, 
back-back to Philmont.

Rogers Comments on Philmont - Dustin led the group as Crew Chief, Ben acted as Chaplin and


In fact Tyler returned for a second Trek in the summer of 1998 with returning scout Andrew Buckner and 
other members of Troop 508.

XB Bob Harris Eagle

As these three Scouts entered MacArthur High School, together their scout training and personal 
determination led them to achieve in academics, music, and sports. They here began to find the difficulty
 of time management and maintaining priorities. But they maintained a focus on their goal and the 
importance of completing the trail. Each, as you will later see, has become involved and achieved in a
 manner their parents and scout leaders are proud to see. However, this involvement lengthened their
 individual trails to Eagle.

To complete the Eagle requirements they added a minimum of 11 more merit badges including four more
 from a required list and 7 electives. Each served an additional six months in a Troop Leadership position. 
Tyler served as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Dustin led the Troop and Patrol Leaders Council as Senior 
Patrol Leader, and Ben served two terms as Troop Chaplin. Dustin gained a valuable leadership experience
 during the Summer after his Sophomore year in High school when he worked on the Summer camp Staff at
 Camp Constantine for the entire summer. But, during this time in High School each of these scouts took
 part in important character and leadership development activities, not the least of these were their own 
service projects required for the Eagle rank.

BH Bob Harris

Bob Harris’s Comments on Eagle Projects -

Tyler’s Project of installing a fence around the front courtyard of Travis Jr. High.

Dustin’s project of building a hiking/nature trail at the Trinity River adjacent to the Campion 
biking, blading, and jogging trail.

Benjamin’s project of installing tree identification signs along the nature trail along the Trinity River.


You can see from all these experiences along the Trail that each one was a building block towards the
 character, skill, and knowledge development of and Eagle Scout. Until you review the Trail and later 
have opportunity to utilize something you picked up along it, you don’t really appreciate what you have

VII. Introduction of the Eagle Candidates

MC Roger Knapp

(Each of the candidates will be introduced with verbage to show the achievements and positions
 they have achieved in school and extra curricular activities which are examples of the type 
of individual parents and leaders had prepared them to become in part by the training they 
received in Scouting)

At this time we would like to bring forward the candidates for the Eagle Badge. As the Honor Guard 
escorts each candidate before this court of honor separately, I would like to introduce them with a brief 
description of some of their accomplishments and positions outside of scouting which is an example to all 
gathered here of the characteristics of young men who rise to the rank of Eagle Scout.

Tyler Horner-Tyler is a Senior at MacArthur High School where he ranks in the top 25% of his class
 academically. He is as successful athletically as he is academically, as he has participated for four years
 in football, track and baseball. As a Junior, he was named to the 2nd team All District in Football. This
 year he is a Co-Captain on the Varsity football team. Adding to his responsibilities and development, he
has worked at Tom Thumb for the last year. He is very active in a local church youth group and has been 
nominated for Christian Athlete the year through F.C.A.

Dustin Askins-Dustin is a Senior at MacArthur High School, where he is in the top 25% of his class 
academically, and is in his second year of participating in the Peer Assistance Leadership program, which
 is a program to assist elementary school students. He has been on the Cross Country team for 4 years
 and this year has served as team captain. Outside of school Dustin has been employed at Toys-R-Us for
 two years where one of his duties is to train new employees.

Ben Johansen - Ben is a Senior at MacArthur High school where he is a the treasurer of the National 
Honor Society and ranks in the top 20 in his class academically. He is a member of the Mac Majic Show
 Choir and has advanced to the All Region Choir the last two years and has made area Choir this year. 
Ben has been in the band for four years, was a drum major his Junior year and is currently Head Drum 
Major of the marching band. He has earned a position in the Texas All State band in his Sophomore and
 Junior years; he earned the position of first chair baritone saxophone player in the All State Band his 
Junior year. He is active in his church youth group.

(The honor guard with Michael Baker, Steven Massey, Jonathan Owens, Adam Harris, James Kang, 
and Andrew Buckner individually escort Tyler, Dustin, and Benjamin down the front isle to the center
 stage area and about face to look toward the audience. Honor guard stay in position around the 

As you can see, all three of these Scouts have demonstrated doing their duty to God and Country, 
Others, and Self.

VIII. Introduction of Candidate Parents

MC Roger Knapp

As I introduce the parents of these Eagle Candidates, the Eagle Honor Guard will escort them 
to join their son’s for the presentation of the Scouts Eagle Badges.

Ken and Laurie Johansen

Steve and Vicki Askins

Bob and Chris Horner

( One Honor Guard Scout goes from the stage to the parents and takes the arm of the mother 
and with father following proceed to the stage. The Honor Guard remains standing by the parents
 they escorted until dismissed by the MC to sit with troop.)


Honor Guard Dismissed.

IX. Presentation of the Badges and Certificates

TBD John Eitson




























MC Roger Knapp

It is now the pleasure of this Court of Honor to present these new Eagles with their Badges. Scoutmaster
 Randy Svajda, would you please come preside over this presentation.

SM: Randy Svajda (Walks first to the podium microphone)

"Tyler, Benjamin, and Dustin having watched each of you complete your Eagle Requirements over the
 last few years, It is with great pride and pleasure that this court of honor now presents you with the Eagle
 Badge. We now proclaim to all the world your accomplishments. The symbol of your success is the Eagle
 badge and neckerchief, which will now be presented to you."

Would Mr. Bob Harris and Mr. Roger knapp please come forward to help me with this presentation. 
Each of you have been Scoutmasters of Troop 508 during the time these scouts have been on the Trail to

"Now Ben, Tyler and Dustin, your Mothers, who have provided encouragement, support, and at times a 
little prodding will have the honor of pinning the Eagle pin over your heart." (Scoutmaster hands the 
Badges to the mothers who inturn pin them on their sons.)

This afternoon you have worn the neckercheifs of a Webelo and a Scout. Your Father who has provided
 role model guidance to you in your Trail to Eagle and to becoming a young man will now replace your 
Scout neckercheif with an Eagle Neckerchief.

(Scoutmaster assists father who takes the Troop scarf off and puts the Eagle Scarf and tie slide on Dustin,
 Tyler, and Ben. The Scoutmaster remains at the table to hand the following awards to their presenters.)

"No one will ever know the unnumbered acts of self-sacrifice and helpfulness from your mother which 
have led to this day. As the symbol of what this mother has made possible, the court now asks Dustin, 
Tyler, and Ben to pin over his mother's heart this miniature Eagle pin ."

"Your father has stood by you over the years and has offered his encouragement and assistance. As the 
symbol of what he has contributed to your attainment of this award, the court now asks you to pin on him 
this miniature Eagle tie tac."

"In recognition of fatherly advice and guidance along the trail to Eagle, I ask Dustin’s, Tyler’s, and Ben’s 
Dads to now present their sons with the Eagle Scout certificate and letter from the chief Scout Executive,
 Boy Scouts of America."

XIII Other Presentations - Troop Eagle Plaques

SC Randy Svajda

For you to have a remembrance on your room wall or maybe some day in your office, the 
Troop presents each of you with an Eagle Plaque and Your Eagle Certificates.


"I would now like to introduce Eagle Scouts Michael Baker, Jonathan Owens, Steven Massey, 
Andrew Buckner, Adam Harris and James Kang to come forward and give the Eagle Scout Charge."

X. Eagle Charge

EC (Michael Baker, Adam Harris, Andrew Buckner, Jonathan Owens , James Kang)


Jonathan Owens

"Ben, Dustin, and Tyler we your fellow Eagles have the honor of giving you the Eagle charge on the
 occasion of your reaching the highest rank in Scouting.

The Scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant movements in the 
world's history. You have been judged by the Boy Scouts of America of being worthy of the highest
 rank in this great movement. All who know you rejoice in your achievement.


Andrew Buckner

Your position, as you know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle 
Scout, you have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to country, to your fellow 
scouts and to mankind in general. This is a great undertaking. As you live up to your obligations 
you bring honor to yourself and to your brother scouts.

Your responsibility goes beyond your fellow scouts, to your country and God. America has many 
good things to give you and your children. But these good things depend for the most part on the 
quality of her citizens. Our country has had a great past. You can help make the future even greater.


Adam Harris

I charge you, Tyler, Ben, and Dustin, to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a 
leader, but lead only toward the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high
 level of service to God and to your fellow man. So live and serve, that those who know you will be
 inspired to finer living. We have too many who use their strength and their brains to exploit others and
 to gain selfish ends. I charge you,Tyler, Ben, and Dustin, to be among those who dedicate their skills 
and ability to the common good.

Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship, and reverence 
for God; and, whatever others may do, you will leave behind a record of which every other scout may
 be justly proud.


James Kang

Benjamin, Dustin, and Tyler, you will now rededicate yourself by repeating the Scout Oath. Repeat it 
slowly, as you stand before the three lighted candles representing the three parts of the scout oath.

XI. Candidates Oath

ES Steven Massey & Michael Baker (Will now lead his newly recognized brothers in the Oath of the 

EC Steven Massey:

Scouts, Relatives, and guests please stand. (pause)

Eagle Candidates Tyler Horner, Ben Johansen, and Dustin Askins, I charge you to enter this Eagle 
Scout brotherhood, holding without reservation ever before you the ideals of honor and service. By 
the repeating of the Eagle Scout Promise before your fellow members, you will dedicate yourselves to
 the ideals of an Eagle scout. Though the words you use are similar to those by which you joined 
scouting, today you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to
 the code of the Eagle Scout, with the words which closed the declaration of independence.


Michael Baker Eagle Scout candidates,Tyler Horner, Ben Johansen, and Dustin Askins, make the 
Scout Sign and repeat after me:

I reaffirm my allegiance --- to the three promises --- of the Scout Oath --- I thoughtfully recognize --- 
and take upon myself --- the obligations and responsibilities --- of the rank of Eagle Scout. --- On my
 honor --- I will do my best --- to make my training an example --- my rank and my influence --- 
count strongly --- for better scouting --- and for better citizenship, --- in my troop --- and in my 
community --- and in my contacts --- with other people. --- To this I pledge --- my sacred honor.

Audience, please be seated.

By the authority vested in me by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America, it is my 
privilege and pleasure to congradulate you Dustin, Tyler, and Ben for being Troop 508's newest Eagle
 Scouts. May the oath you have taken....remain graven on your heart....forever!

MC Roger Knapp Dustin, Benjamin, and Tyler, as is a tradition for Troop 508 Eagle Scouts, would
 each of you now sign the Eagle Board.

To Show comradship, will the Eagle Scouts of all ages in the audience please come up and stand
 across the front of the sanctuary with Tyler, Ben, and Dustin.

XII. Presentation By Armed Services

MC Roger Knapp Sargent Billy Blair, Dustin’s cousin will now make a presentation from the Armed 
Services of America. Sargent Blair Please come forward.

XIV Scoutmaster’s Minute

SM Randy Svajda

In the chapter titled "Finding One’s Life Work’, the 1940 Handbook reads:

A Scout looks ahead. He prepares for things before they happen. He therefore meets them easily. 
He never just waits and hopes and accepts whatever comes, for to do so is the road to failure. He
 reaches high, strives long and hard toward honorable goals, and keeps ever in mind Longfellow’s

The heights by great men reached and kept, were not attained by sudden flight; 
but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.

Experpted from Naturalist, by Edward O. Wilson.

XV. Benediction

MC Youth Pastor J.R. Vassar will now lead us in a closing prayer.

YP J.R.Vassar

Every tomorrow has two handles; we can hold by the handle of anxiety or by the handle of faith

XVI Retiring of the Colors

MC Roger Knapp Would the Color Guards now retire the Colors.

CG Aaron Israel, etc. (Chief Color Guard comes to the center of the stage in front of the new Eagle 
scouts and gives the commands to the Colorguards to retire the colors.) "Color Guards advance" 
"Retreive the colors" "Return to Post"

XVII. Closing of the Court of Honor

MC Roger Knapp I now declare this National Eagle Court of Honor closed. Eagles you may 
now be the first to congratulate these new Eagles for their achievement. Audience, a reception 
will be held in the Fellowship Hall across the walk from the sanctuary. The Eagles and their parents
 will take a few minutes for pictures before proceeding to the reception.

XVIII Time for Pictures, others go over to reception.

XIX. Reception


Ceremony #2


(Sam Samburger escort parents into church.)

(Adults of troop 508 file into church. N Voekle goes to the podium. The remainder sit front left pews.)

(Scouts file into church. Nathan B., Blake, & Zach go behind the three candles. The twelve candle lighters
 sit in front R pews. All others sit on the left behind the adults.)

MC: N. Voekle
"On behalf of Troop 508, I would like to welcome all of you to this Eagle Court of Honor. Will everyone 
please rise for the presentation of the colors followed by the pledge of allegiance." ....."Color guard advance."

(Color guard: Chad Hooten leader, Steven Massey carry USA flag, and Josh Archer carry troop flag. Flags 
are posted.)
Chad Hooten:
"Attention! Salute! Pledge of Allegiance! I Pledge ........................." "two! You may be seated. Color guard 

MC: N. Voekle
"The invocation will now be given by Phil Mecer, Minister of the First Methodist Church of Irving."

Invocation: Phil Mecer

Opening MC: N. Voekle
"By the authority invested in me as a representative of the Circle Ten Council and the National Council, 
Boy Scouts of America, I declare this court of honor to be duly convened."

"Today we have the honor and pleasure of recognizing this candidate for the rank of eagle. This is an 
important and serious matter. Mark's parents and scout leaders have labored long and faithfully to guide 
him towards alert and participating citizenship through the boy scout program. Their efforts culminate today 
in the presentation of this eagle badge."

(N Voekle lights the single candle on the back table.)

"Before you stands a single lighted candle. It represents the spirit of Scouting. This spirit makes all the 
programs in scouting possible and is the spark that ignite the scouting movement across America. We will
 now use it to light the three candles that represent the three colors of the American Flag."

(Three scouts light their candles and say their part:)

Blake Rice:
(as he lights the Red candle)
"The red of my flag is the lifeblood of brave men ready to die for our country."

Nathan Brann:
(as he lights the white candle)
"The white of my flag is for purity and cleanliness of purpose, thought, and deed."

Zach Pohl:
(as he lights the blue candle)
"The blue of my flag is for faith and loyalty, like the eternal blue of the star filled heavens."

(Three scouts leave and be seated.)

MC: N Voekle:
"Scoutmaster Scott Pohl will now give us the scouting percentages."

Scott Pohl:
Of any one hundred boys who become scouts, it must be confessed that thirty will drop out in their first year,
 and less than two percent will make it to Eagle. Perhaps this may be regarded as a failure, but in later life all 
of these will remember that they had been scouts and will speak well of the program.

Of the one hundred, only rarely will one ever appear before a juvenile court judge. Twelve of the one hundred
 will be from families that belong to no church. Through scouting, these twelve and many of their families will 
be brought into contact with a church and will continue to be active all their lives. Six of the one hundred will
 become pastors.

Each of the one hundred will learn something from scouting. Almost all will develop hobbies that will add
 interest throughout the rest of their lives. Approximately one-half will serve in the military and in varying 
degrees profit from their scout training. At least one will use it to save another person's life and many will 
credit it with saving their own.

Two of the one hundred will reach the eagle rank and at least one will later say that he valued his eagle above
 his college degree. Many will find their future vocation through merit badge work and scouting contacts. 
Seventeen of the one hundred boys will later become scout leaders and will give leadership to thousands 
of additional boys.

Only one in four boys in America will become scouts, but it is interesting to know that of the national leaders
 in business, religion, and politics, seventy five percent were scouts.

This story will never end. Like the golden pebble of service dropped into the human sea, it will continue to 
radiate in ever widening circles, influencing the characters of men down through unending time.

MC N Voekle:
"The twelve points of the Scout Law are the most important lessons the scout learns on his long journey to 
Eagle. These are the true tests of the scout's worthiness to wear the eagle badge."

(The following 12 scouts line up front right. Then one at a time they go to the right podium, read their lines, 
go light their candle with the spirit candle, and leave the left side to sit with the other scouts. Last scout leave
 spirit candle burning on the back center of that front table.)

Jonathan Owens:
"A scout is TRUSTWORTHY. A scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is a part of his code 
of conduct. People can always depend on him."

Steven Massey:
"A Scout is LOYAL. A Scout is true to his family, friends, scout leaders, school, nation and world 

Jason Fulbright:
"A scout is HELPFUL. A scout is concerned about other people. He willingly volunteers to help others 
without expecting payment or reward."

Scott Luebbert:
"A scout is FRIENDLY. A scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other scouts. He seeks to understand 
others. He respects those with ideas and customs that are different from his own."

John Clay:
"A scout is COURTEOUS. A scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that good
 manners make it easier for people to get along together."

Taylor Young:
A scout is KIND. A scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be 
treated. He does not harm or kill anything without reason."

David Wheeler:
"A scout is OBEDIENT. A scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his
 community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly
 manner rather than disobey them."

Ben Husa:
"A scout is CHEERFUL. A scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way.
 He tries to make others happy."

James Clay:
"A scout is THRIFTY. A scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for the future. 
He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property."

Kevin Enochs:
"A scout is BRAVE. A scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what 
he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him."

Barry Fry:
"A scout is CLEAN. A scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes around with those who 
believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean."

Nathan Gottlieb:
"A scout is REVERENT. A scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects
 the beliefs of others."

MC: N Voekle:
"At this time we would like to bring forward the candidate for the Eagle Badge. Would the honor guard 
please escort before this court of honor, eagle candidate Mark Massey."

(The honor guard with Tommy Proctor, Al Voekle, Colby Adamson, and Sam Samburger escort Mark 
down the front isle to the right front area and about face to look toward the MC. Honor guard stay in position
 around Mark.)

Voice of the Eagle:

(Seven following adults will go up to left podium and read their part. The next adult to read should move up 
early to be ready to step up and read as soon as the present reader is through.)

1-Jim Dunkley:
I am the Eagle. Since the beginning of time, man has used me and my brothers as a symbol of royalty, power,
 victory, authority and valor. My strength and courage has inspired men through the ages. Ancient man looked 
upon me as an natural enemy of serpents. They saw the battle between the sun and clouds as battles between
 an eagle and a serpent."

2-James Clay:
The ancient assyrians associated me with Ashur, the great sun god. I was awed and worshiped for my majestic 
beauty. In the Assyrian myths, I was a symbol of storms and lightning and the god who carried souls to 
Hades...In India and Babylon I was the symbol of fire, of wind, and storms, and the bringer of immortality."

3-Susan Shamburger:
"In the golden age of Greece, I was a symbol of victory and supreme spiritual energy. I was the sacred bird of 
Zeus, the ruler of all gods. The Greeks represented me with wings outstretched, holding a serpent in my claws. 
Thus, I represented the triumph of good over evil.---In Rome, I was the symbol of Jupiter, the supreme god. 
The Romans saw me as the symbol of victory. As the Roman legions conquered the world, they marched under 
the standard of the eagle, with outstretched wings. The silver eagle was the symbol of the republic and the 
Roman Empire used the golden eagle as its symbol. I became the personal emblem of the Caesars, representing 
supreme authority."

4-Chuck Fry:
"In the Middle ages, I became the symbol of Germany. And, as falconry flourished as a sport in Europe, only
 kings were allowed to hunt with an eagle.---The rise of Christianity brought me still more honor. To the early 
Christians, the eagle was the symbol of Christ rising into Heaven. This was due to the strong flight of the eagle
 with its gaze fixed on the sun. In early icons I was best known as the symbol of St. John the Evangelist."

5-Gary Husa:
"In the 19th century, French troops under napoleon conquered Europe under the symbol of the eagle. Many 
French soldiers gave their lives to protect the golden eagle which supported the French flag on the battleground
.---On June 20, 1782, I became the symbol of a new country. Because of my courage and beauty, I was 
chosen to symbolize the new United States of America. The eagle became a prominent feature of the seal of 
state of the new republic."

6-Jim Enochs:
"From this early beginning, I have been used in many ways to symbolize the ideals of this country. Several states
 have the eagle on their state flags. You can find me on the corns of America from the beginning to present day.
---I have a prominent place in America, as in ancient Rome, as a symbol of power and authority. The emblems 
of the President, Vice-President, and most branches of the armed forces center on the eagle."

7-Jerry Wicker:
"From the god of the Assyrians to the symbol of the Caesars to the emblem of this country, it was thus fitting
 that the eagle should have a part in the most momentous achievement of man. The Apollo 11 Crew chose 
Eagle as the name for the lunar module which was to make history. And with the words of Eagle Scout Neil
 Armstrong: "Houston, Tranquility Base here. The Eagle has landed!"....Man was on the moon.---In 1911,
 following tradition as old as man himself, the Boy Scouts of America chose the eagle to symbolize the very 
highest in achievement. Through all of history, I have been the symbol of man's best, now I am the symbol of 
scouting's best."

MC: N Voekle:
"Will the candidate Mark Massey please proceed to center stage. Honor guard dismissed."

(Colby proceed to stage by the table with awards. Other three retreat down center isle to be seated with other 
scouts. Will Ezell proceed to table beside Colby.)

MC: N Voekle:
"Now Kevin Johnson, Executive of Western Star District, Circle Ten Council of th Boy Scouts of America, 
will now give the eagle badge requirements as inspected by the board of review."

Eagle Requirements:
Kevin Johnson:
"The Boy Scout movement constitutes one of the most wholesome and significant developments of our day. 
Are you worthy of the highest rank in its membership? As as eagle scout you will be asked to assume a solemn
 obligation to do your duty to God, country, fellow scouts, fellow citizens, and yourself. This is a great 
undertaking. It was, therefore, proper that a board of review make a careful examination of your achievements. 
In order that all may understand the completeness of its examination, I will review the findings of the board of

"The first consideration in examining Mark was his proficiency in the various crafts and skills prescribed for the 
eagle rank. Mark presented a record of the merit badges he had earned and they were carefully checked. The 
board found him fully qualified having earned the twenty-one required badges."

"Another important consideration for the eagle rank is leadership. The board of review has fully reviewed 
Mark's leadership in his unit, school, church, and community. We found that he demonstrates this ability in 
activities that are constructive and worthwhile."

"Last and most important is Mark's character. It was our finding that he is striving to put into daily practice the
 principles of the scout oath and law which include integrity and honor, and we believe that he will continue 
those habits of conduct in the future. Our finding was that Mark Massey is worthy of the eagle rank."

MC: N Voekle:
"Will Eagle Scout Sam Shamburger please escort the parents of the eagle candidate to his side."

(Sam takes the arm of mother and with father following proceed to stage. Sam retires to sit with troop.)

"It is with great pride and pleasure that this court of honor now presents you with the Eagle Badge. We now
 proclaim to all the world your accomplishments. The symbol of your success is the Eagle badge and
 neckerchief, which will now be presented to you."

(Will assists Colby who takes the old scarf off and puts the Eagle Scarf and tie slide on Mark. Colby and
 Will now remain at the table to hand the following awards to their presenters.)

Darryl Fulbright:
"Now your Mother, who has more pride and love for you than ever before, will pin the eagle pin over your

"No one will ever know the unnumbered acts of self-sacrifice and helpfulness from your mother which have
 led to this day. As the symbol of what this mother has made possible, the court now asks Mark to pin over 
his mother's heart this miniature Eagle pin and give her a kiss."

S. Ezell: (reading from right hand podium as Mark puts pin on Mom)

Darryl Fulbright:
"Your father has stood by you over the years and has offered his encouragement and assistance. As the symbol 
of what he has contributed to your attainment of this award, the court now asks you to pin on him this miniature 
Eagle tie tac."

"In recognition of fatherly advice and guidance along the trail to Eagle, I ask Mark's Dad to now present his son
 with the Eagle Scout certificate and letter from the chief Scout Executive, Boy Scouts of America."

MC: N Voekle:
"I would now like to introduce Eagle Scout and assistant Scoutmaster Mickey Wheeler to come forward and
 give the Eagle Scout Charge."

Eagle Charge:
Mickey Wheeler:
"Mark, I have the honor to give you the Eagle charge on the occasion of your reaching the highest rank in 

The Scouts of all nations constitute one of the most wholesome and significant movements in the world's history. 
You have been judged by the Boy Scouts of America of being worthy of the highest rank in this great movement. 
All who know you rejoice in your achievement.

Your position, as you know, is one of honor and responsibility. You are a marked man. As an Eagle Scout, you
 have assumed a solemn obligation to do your duty to God, to country, to your fellow scouts and to mankind in
 general. This is a great undertaking. As you live up to your obligations you bring honor to yourself and to your
 brother scouts.

Your responsibility goes beyond your fellow scouts, to your country and God. America has many good things
 to give you and your children. But these good things depend for the most part on the quality of her citizens. 
Our country has had a great past. You can help make the future even greater.

I charge you, Mark, to undertake your citizenship with a solemn dedication. Be a leader, but lead only toward 
the best. Lift up every task you do and every office you hold to the high level of service to God and to your 
fellow man. So live and serve, that those who know you will be inspired to finer living. We have too many who
 use their strength and their brains to exploit others and to gain selfish ends. I charge you, Mark, to be among
 those who dedicate their skills and ability to the common good.

Build America on the solid foundation of clean living, honest work, unselfish citizenship, and reverence for 
God; and, whatever others may do, you will leave behind a record of which every other scout may be justly

Mark, you will now rededicate yourself by repeating the Scout Oath. Repeat it slowly, as you stand before the
 three lighted candles representing the three parts of the scout oath.

(Mark gives the scout sign and repeats the oath slowly.)

Your conduct along the trail has been excellent. You have rededicated yourself to the principles of scouting,
 but one more thing is important: your future.

This is not the end of the trail, but the beginning of a new epoch of your life. As an eagle scout, you become a 
guide to other scouts of lower rank. You become an example in your community. Remember that your actions
 are now a little more conspicuous and people will expect more of you. To falter in your responsibility would 
not only reflect upon you, but on your fellow Eagles and all scouting. The torch you carry is not only yours, but
 it is ours also.

Mark, I challenge you to enter this Eagle brotherhood, holding ever before you, without reservation, the ideals 
of honor and service, by the repetition of the Eagle Scout Promise before your fellow members. Though the 
words you use are similar to those by which you joined scouting, they will mean more now than they could
 have meant at any time in the past. When you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your
 eternal loyalty to the code of the Eagle Scout, with the words which closed the Declaration of Independence.

Scouts, Relatives, and guests please stand. (pause)

Eagle Scout candidate, Mark Massey, make the scout sign and repeat after me:

I reaffirm my allegiance --- to the three promises --- of the Scout Oath --- I thoughtfully recognize --- and take
 upon myself --- the obligations and responsibilities --- of the rank of Eagle Scout. --- On my honor --- I will 
do my best --- to make my training an example --- my rank and my influence --- count strongly --- for better
 scouting --- and for better citizenship, --- in my troop --- and in my community --- and in my contacts --- 
with other people. --- To this I pledge --- my sacred honor.

Audience, please be seated.

By the authority vested in me by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of America, it is my privilege 
and pleasure to pronounce you an Eagle Scout. May the oath you have taken....remain graven on your heart....

MC: N Voekle:
"Will the new Eagle Scout Mark Massey please sign the troop 508 Eagle Board."

(Mark goes over and signs his name and date of round board.)

"Will George Adamson please come up to say a few words about Mark and make a special presentation."

George Adamson Speech. (Speech and present Gold Coin)

Awards presentation:
MC: N Voekle:
"The Mark's family will now present a their gift."

(Mom and Dad present family gift.)

"C.Proctor will now present a troop 508 gift."

Carl Proctor:
"The adults of Troop 508 feel that the scout must earn every badge and rank in the long journey to Eagle 
Scout. We do not just pass a boy along because he shows up at the troop meetings. He must prove he is 
worthy and we are proud of the many Eagle Scouts that have come from Troop 508. To show our 
appreciation and pride in your accomplishment, we would like to give you this Eagle Scout Plaque. 
Good luck and happy Scouting."

MC: N Voekle:
"Mart Hamilton has some presentations which will now be given."

Mart Hamilton:
"Mark, by the virtue of your earning the Eagle Award, you are now eligible to become a member of the 
National Eagle Scout Association. Your troop has enrolled you as a 10-year member in the association 
and I have the honor of presenting your membership to you. Fail not your fellow Eagles, for your responsibilities
 are now greater than before. As you go forward in life, receiving other honors and awards, always remember
 this day when you became an Eagle Scout. As your former leader, I wish you the very best."

MC: N Voekle:
"Now the representatives of the local Elks Lodge will come forward to make their presentation."

(Elks make presentation)

"To show the comradeship and fellowship, will the Eagle Scouts in the audience please come up and shake 
Mark's hand in congratulations, and remain standing up here with him."

(Eagles come up.)

"Herb Boyd, Silver Beaver and Scoutmaster Emeritus, will now give the benediction."

Herb Boyd:(If Herb can't be present, Cliff Chamberlain.)

"Let us pray.........

"Dear Father in Heaven, we thank you for this opportunity to come together today...to celebrate life,....to 
celebrate our youth growing into adulthood,....to celebrate this boy scout on his day of success. Please continue 
to guide him in his future endeavors.

Take with you words, strong words of courage:
Words that have wings!...
Take with you holy words, words that know God;
Words that are sacred as healing waters,
Pure as light, and beautiful as morning,
Take with you tall words, words that reach up,
And growing words, with deep life within them.
Take with you holy words, words that know God. AMEN"

MC: N Voekle:
"I now declare this National Eagle Court of Honor closed. Will the color guard please retire the colors. 
Audience please stand...........Mark will follow the color guard...and the Eagle Scouts on stage will follow 
him, symbolizing their willingness to stand behind and support their fellow Eagles"

(Ben Brakefield stands behind the USA flag and Nathan Smith behind the Troop Flag while Aaron Clancy
 stands center stage. Aaron announces "Retire Colors" and the two Scouts pick up the flags. Aaron leads 
down the center isle, followed by the two flags, followed by Mark Massey, followed by all the Eagle Scouts, 
followed by the two parents.)

" Thank you for coming today. You are invited to attend a reception in the next building where you may 
congratulate our newest Eagle Scout: Mark Massey."


Ceremony #3

Spirit of the Wind Eagle Ceremony

My Brother, It is well. You will soon wear the wings of an Eagle over your heart. But,
so that the Spirit of the Eagle may also fill your heart, listen first to the wisdom of the

I am the Spirit of the East Wind. I represent the Common Law, your duty to God
and to Country. Trustworthy, loyal, and helpful, are the qualities which a man must
possess who lives by the laws and rules of this land. See that we do not lose this
great blessing of a lawful land.

As the Spirit of the West Wind, I represent the Law of Equity, your duty to others.
Friendly, courteous and kind are the laws that breathe of conscience. They create the
atmosphere that comes from within your heart. The desire for you always to be friend
to those of all ages, young and old alike. Courteous to those who pass along your
trail. Cast away the harmful spirit of unfriendliness and selfishness.

I am the Spirit of the South Wind. I represent the Civil Law, your duty to self.
Obedient, cheerful and thrifty are the characteristics of civility. A life of cheerful
obedience is necessary for your true self development. Obedience is something
everyone has to learn--to take orders and carry them out cheerfully. Real thrift means
earning, spending wisely and saving, and to share with those less fortunate.

I am the Spirit of the North Wind, the most powerful of all. I represent the Divine Law.
Brave, clean, and reverent. To be brave is to be unselfish. To be clean in body and
soul is to be pure in heart. Cast from your mind and body any evil spirit that tries to
weaken or destroy the Divine Law. Live a life of reverence. Be brave and clean.

I am now pleased to deliver the Eagle Scout Charge. I invite all Eagle Scouts present
to come forward and participate in the Charge.

Scout , I charge you to enter this Eagle Scout Brotherhood, holding ever
before you, without reservation, the ideals of honor and service. By your recitation of
the Eagle Scout Pledge before your fellow Scouts, you will become an Eagle Scout.
Though the words you use are similar to those you used when you joined Scouting,
today they will mean more than they could have meant at any time in the past. When
you pledge yourself on your sacred honor, you will be sealing your eternal loyalty to
the code of the Eagle Scout, with the words which closed the Declaration of
Independence -- "To this I pledge my sacred Honor".
Will the audience please rise. Eagle Candidate, raise the Scout Sign and repeat after

I reaffirm my allegiance to the three promises of the Scout Oath ....

I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself the obligations and responsibilities
of the Rank of Eagle Scout ....

On my honor I will do my best to make my training an example .....

my rank and my influence count strongly for better scouting .....

and for better citizenship in my troop....

in my community and in my contacts with other people ....

To this I pledge my sacred honor ....

(To Audience) Please be seated.

By the authority vested in me by the National Court of Honor of the Boy Scouts of
America, it is my privilege and pleasure to pronounce you an Eagle Scout. As
evidence of this, I award you the Eagle Scout Certificate of the National Council of
the Boy Scouts of America. May the oath you have taken remain graven on your
heart forever. Eagle Scout, you are now a marked man!

Ceremony #4

VER 5/95
                BOY SCOUT TROOP 10       



Please stand for the presentation of Colors.

Scouts advance the colors!

Will the audience join us in the Pledge of Allegiance?

Scouts, Salute!



Post colors!

Color Guard Retreat.
The audience may be seated.
I would like to welcome you to Troop 10's Eagle Court of Honor. It is my pleasure to introduce 
Mitch Harlan & Josh Butz, who will be giving the invocation.



As District Executive of Chief Old Ox District Lincoln Heritage Council B.S.A., I hereby declare the 
Eagle Court of Honor officially open. Will the escorts please escort Scout NATHAN KOERBER
 forward to the candelabra.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to confer the Award of Eagle upon NATHAN KOERBER of 
Boy Scout Troop 10. Before he actually receives his badge, however, we wish to be sure that you, 
who are friends, neighbors, relatives, and fellow scouts fully appreciate the rare distinction that soon 
will be his.
The Award of Eagle is the highest honor that can be bestowed upon a member of the Boy Scouts of 
America. It compares favorably with honors, degrees, and titles conferred by religious, civic, fraternal, 
and service organizations of the state and nation. Just as the spotlight is on this young man, so will the eyes
 of men be upon him always.


This is the voice of the Eagle. The Eagle whose heights you have struggled hard to reach. We remember well 
when you first came to the base of the cliff, and how you looked up with ambition and determination. Look 
back for a moment; look down the cliff you have climbed; look at the experiences you have encountered in 
your ascent.

These experiences should not be forgotten. You should profit by making sure adverse experiences do not 
occur again. NATHAN, experience is a valuable teacher, if you heed its teachings. We remember when you
 took your first step upon the trail that leads upward. First you were only a scout.

(Honor guard and candidate walk slowly to Scout sign).

With that first step you began to build yourself physically, mentally, and morally. You started living the Scout 
Oath and Law. All the while you were on the trail, we watched you study and we saw you learned by doing. 
You learned the Scouting ways, the handshake, the slogan, to do a good turn daily, and the motto, to be
 prepared and your brother Scouts called you, a Tenderfoot.

(Honor guard and candidates walk slowly to Tenderfoot sign).

. . . and they were right, you were indeed a Tenderfoot Scout. You were placed in a patrol with a group of 
boys who were strangers but many would soon become lifelong friends. You went on your first campouts
 where you began to learn the basics of Scouting; Camping, Hiking, Cooking and Citizenship. Soon, you 
reached the second ledge and there you were greeted by a large group of Second Class Scouts.

(Honor guard and candidate walk slowly to Second Class sign).

To reach the rank of Second Class Scout, a Scout learns to work with members of his Patrol and he begins
 to develop Patrol spirit. Some, like you, were stopping to catch their breaths before continuing along the trail.
 As a Second Class Scout you began to study more and develop a proficiency in things like; Fire Building, 
Knife and Ax, First Aid and Swimming. You worked harder, and almost before you knew it, you came to 
another ledge where First Class Scouts dwell.

(Honor guard and candidates walk slowly to First Class sign).

There you found a tempting green meadow by a crystal-clear stream bathed in the sunlight. Here you were 
tempted to remain. When a Scout reaches the rank of First Class Scout in Troop 10, he is really first class. 
He is an expert in the outdoor skills of; Camping, Cooking, Hiking, and First Aid. In Troop 10 a First Class 
Scout becomes a member of the Venture team and begins the advanced training of a Senior Scout. And yes
 the advanced adventures of a Senior Scout begin there also.


Yes, you could have remained there to live in First Class glory, but your ambition stirred you on. We remember
 your advancement to Star Scout.

(Escorts lead NATHAN to candelabra and they say Scout Oath & Law lighting candles as they go)
(Honor guard and candidates walk slowly to Star sign).

A Star Scout learns to work with the younger boys in the Troop, passing along the knowledge he has gained.
 A Star Scout begins to perfect his leadership skills and takes part in many community service projects. The 
trail from First Class to Star was not as difficult as it had seemed. This spurred you on, and again you climbed
 further. The trail was steeper, and was less worn. Fewer Scouts seemed to be headed in your direction. 
You looked down and saw the crowds below you. You looked up and saw a few above you, and with that
 same determination with which you started your climb, you continued up the trail to Life Scout.

(Honor guard and candidates walk slowly to Life sign).

Soon, the Life Scout badge - the heart badge - was placed on your uniform. You will never forget the thoughts
 in your heart, a feeling that has been experienced by most Scouts on reaching the ledge of Life. Now I am 
close to the Eagle; I will carry on.... The trail became tougher, but more interesting. The original principles, 
the Scout Oath and Law, now had a fuller meaning. Your understanding of them was greater. The rank of 
Eagle is Scouting's highest award.

(Honor guard and candidates walk slowly to Eagle sign).   

The Eagle Scout must earn the specified number of merit badges and must plan, develop, and carry out an 
extensive service project, giving leadership to others. He must also serve as a Troop officer for a specified
 time. He must set an example by which the younger Scouts can learn.

Yes, we have watched your character unfold and become mature; we have seen your understanding of 
citizenship expand; we have watched your mind develop and your wisdom increase; and we observed 
your leadership ability growing into a valuable asset. We have seen all these things in you, and now that 
you are at the threshold of your goal, we welcome you, for you have done your climbing in a true Scoutlike
 manner. Now your Asst. Scoutmaster STEVE WEIGEL will present your advancement record for all to hear.


(Escorts are dismissed to the side)

The awarding of the Eagle badge is an important and serious occasion; the climax and the goal of which a 
Scout works for many years. An occasion for pride and joy, a time for serious contemplation. It is the 
culmination of efforts of the various leaders of this Scout. The Eagle Award is the highest and most coveted 
rank in Scouting; the last major step in the advancement program. Less than 2 percent of all Scouts in the 
United States reach the Eagle rank. At this point, we trust you have achieved our purpose in the building of 
character, training of leadership, and the practice of service.

The following is a resume of NATHAN 's personal and Scouting history.


The requirements of the Eagle rank are as follows:

a.    Earn 21 merit badges including 12 which are required.

b.    Serve actively in a troop leadership position for a period of six months     after becoming Life.

c.    Plan, develop, and carry out a service project worthy of an Eagle Scout.

d.    Appear before a board of review of prominent persons and satisfy them that you have done your best to 
understand and live up to the Scout Oath and Law and, in all ways, qualify for Eagle Scout.
Careful examination has been made by the court as to the qualifications of this applicant for the Eagle Award. 
Proficiency in the various crafts and skills prescribed for Eagle rank have been checked, and the records of
 merit badges earned by the Scout have been approved and certified by the counselors appointed by the court.
 The Scout has qualified on the basis of merit badge achievement.

The applicant has demonstrated his capacity and willingness to exert leadership ability in the activities that are
 constructive and worthwhile in this community. The record has been checked in Troop leadership, school 
affairs, and in other fields of work and service. He has demonstrated loyalty and duty to God and country. 
We believe him qualified to receive the rank of Eagle Scout.

Mr. ASST. SCOUTMASTER, has Eagle Candidate conducted himself in a manner that exemplifies real 

Mr. ASST. SCOUTMASTER responds, "HE HAS" and then sits down


Will the escorts please escort Mr. & Mrs. KOERBER to the front.

(PAUSE to allow escorts to bring parents forward and then escorts return to their seats).

Fellow Eagle, we now proclaim to all the world your accomplishment. The symbol of your success is the 
Eagle badge now presented to you by your Scoutmaster CHUCK BOTTORFF. Your Scoutmaster is the
 one who has wisely counseled you and advised you on your trail to Eagle. He will pin the badge over your 
heart. He is as proud of you as your parents are.

And now, Eagle Scout NATHAN KOERBER, in recognition of the many hours of patient guidance given by 
your parents, will you pin this Eagle Mother's Pin over your mother's heart?


Also, NATHAN please present your father with this Eagle Scout's Father's tie pin for him to wear so all know
 that he has a son who is an Eagle Scout.

Now Mr. BOTTORFF will read letters of recognition that have come in from all over the country.


We have received recognition from the following people:


Now my fellow Eagle let this not be the end of your Scouting but go onto greater heights and give to others
 the benefits of your experience.

Will Eagle Scout JOE SHOPE please administer to our new Eagle Scout the Eagle charge?


Would all Eagle Scouts in the room please come forward and stand behind NATHAN. (PAUSE)

NATHAN my charge to you is to enter this Eagle Scout brotherhood, holding , without reservation, the ideals
 of honor and service. Your position, as you well know, is one of honor and responsibility.

You NATHAN, are a marked man.

My charge to all of you, is to build America of the solid foundations of clean living, honest work, unselfish 
citizenship, and reverence for God. Then, whatever others may do, you will leave behind a record of which 
you may be justly proud.

Now NATHAN you will dedicate yourself to the principles of all that being an Eagle Scout means and your 
fellow Eagle Scouts shall at the same time rededicate themselves to the principals which they pledged 
themselves to when they received their Eagle Scout award.


I reaffirm my allegiance for the three promises of the Scout Oath.

I thoughtfully recognize and take upon myself ..............

the obligations and responsibilities .......................

of the rank of Eagle Scout. ................................

On my honor I will do my best ..............................

to make my training an example .............................

to make my rank and influence count strongly ...............

for better Scouting and for better citizenship, ............

in my troop and my community, ..............................

and in my contacts with other people. ......................

To this I pledge my sacred honor! .........................


Ladies and Gentleman I present Eagle Scout NATHAN KOERBER.


After the closing would everyone please join us downstairs for refreshments.

That is the end of the four ceremonies.  Some parts are identical.  The scout and his parents may design a ceremony that suits them.